I Thought I would wright and let the family know that both Chris and I have survived the biggest snow storm to hit NYC in recorded history. In reality, I had one of my favorite days in NY yet. Chris and I awoke early (10:30) to pouring snow and 30mph winds. Overnight, it had snowed 24in and it wasn't letting up anytime soon. So, the brave men we are, we headed to Westway diner for Belgium waffles and coffee. After a nice breakfast to fuel our bodies, we headed off...destination...Central Park, were we heard stories of 4 foot snow drifts and ski bunny women as far as the eye could see. Ok, maybe none of that was true but the snow was huge.
The best part of the day was the adventure Chris and I had running through the 2 foot powder in an area of Central Park known as the "Ramble". Basically, it's the most wooded area of Central Park where you could easily lose your way. We spent easily two hours jumping of rocks and navigating creek beds. I truly felt like a kid again and had a wonderful time doing it.
After the "Ramble Run" we headed to "Sheeps Meadow" to throw the frisbee for a bit. No day with Chris and I is complete without a little frisbee throwing. However, the 30mph winds didn't help much, but still fun.
The final part of the day was a surprise. On our walk back we noticed a huge crowd had gathered next to a steep rock cliff area. As we approached, we could hear yells of excitement and the "oohhhs" and "ahhhhs" were endless. What was happening was what I can only describe as the world Extreme sledding championships. Easily, 70 people had gathered to watch 10-20 daredevils huck themselves off a steep cliff over and over again. The busts and spills were priceless and I have to say the best rider was a 10 year old kid named Ryan. Well Done Ryan!
Anyway, the day as a whole was unreal. It is now time for a glass of wine and a bowl of lentil soup. Love you all and talk to you soon.
We just got home from Community Group. As I was doing something upstairs I heard your mother howling downstairs. I could not tell why. But, once I saw the pictures and read the blog I knew you had had an EPIC day which you will share with us for years.
Great story! you and Chris are so brave....Well kinda. You sure know how to have fun. glad to see that you are enjoying you^re day^s. have a great one!
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